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Smarter AI solutions for every busy recruiter Smarter AI solutions for every busy recruiter

Smarter AI solutions for
every busy recruiter

With Artificial Intuition, Arya delivers more compatible talent

We offer Arya AI-based recruiting solutions for everyone who needs to fill a job. Whether you’re a large talent acquisition team, a staffing agency, or a hiring manager, our AI recruiting software delivers more compatible and more diverse talent for less.

Succeed with Arya AI recruiting software


Artificial Intuition

Arya goes beyond simple matches; it targets those most likely to succeed.

Union 15

Expand your pipeline

Add easy access to 800m+ active and passive candidates from multiple sources.


One view to all candidates

See one easy-to-manage, consolidated list from all your candidate sources.

Source candidates

Diversity hiring built in

Reduce unconscious recruiter bias and promote protected classes in your pipeline.


Arya Quantum

Arya Quantum integrates seamlessly with your applicant tracking system (ATS).

Designed with larger hiring teams in mind, Arya Quantum goes beyond simple AI keyword matching to better match your jobs to talent in your own ATS, subscribed sources, and more than 800 million candidate profiles. Find, score, connect, and engage with more compatible candidates at record speeds.

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Arya Fusion

The standalone AI recruiting solution to help you scale up in today’s tough job market.

If you prefer a standalone AI recruiting product, Arya Fusion is your answer to a simpler recruiting process. Post jobs, find compatible talent, and quickly engage them on your schedule. Arya Fusion is all you need to create a professional and seamless experience for team members and talent alike.

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Arya Pulse

Need to fill a job, but no HR staff and no idea where to start?
No problem!

Arya Pulse delivers staffing-agency services to growing companies but without the monthly contract, fees, and commissions. You get talent from multiple premium candidate sites and review a single list. We then reach out, qualify your favorites, and deliver candidates ready to interview.

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Arya Concierge

White glove recruiting for strategic roles

Filling specialized or highly competitive roles can take forever, and costs can quickly spiral out of control. For a fixed fee, the Arya Concierge service quickly delivers compatible candidates who are ready to interview. Guaranteed.

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Brands growing with Arya

IBM Logo
Domnovate Logo


Cheryl Trigo - Vice President, Sourcing & Implementation JCSI Recruitment

"Before Arya, we typically sourced 6-10 quality candidates per hour. After just a couple of days with Arya, we’ve increased that to 50+ quality candidates per hour! I can't live without Arya now."

Cheryl Trigo
Vice President, Sourcing & Implementation JCSI Recruitment
Jack Farrell - Owner, QuickRecruit

"Before it would take me probably three to four weeks. Now I'm finding people, sourcing them, talking to them, bringing them to the hiring manager, and getting a verbal offer out anywhere from a week to ten days. So for me, it's been literally a godsend."

Jack Farrell
Owner, QuickRecruit

"With Arya Pulse, Bashyam was finally able to focus on business and let us cut through the clutter and deliver great candidates. “There’s a lot of value to that. You’re basically making us more efficient in the recruiting process,” said Bashyam."

Murali Bashyam
Managing Partner, Bashyam Shah LLC