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Watch HR leaders discuss avoiding failure points in tech and talent acquisition


Advances in technology and artificial intelligence (AI) hiring tools continue to change how recruiters source talent. But navigating the available options in the hopes of creating a more efficient, innovative hiring process is no small feat — nor is it a cure for the growing list of open positions and shrinking labor supply.

Even with the best people intelligence platforms, your organization could miss out on the ideal candidate if you’re not the first to act. Because let’s face it – Recruitment is undoubtedly not easy. Far from it. Considering the time and energy required along with resources.

Leoforce Chief Revenue Officer Anthony Cassio recently hosted an online fireside chat, “Tech and Talent Acquisition: Avoiding the Points of Failure,” to discuss this subject with HR leaders across the US. We present the best insights into the conversation in this article.

But before we delve into what experts have to say about avoiding failure points of recruitment, let’s understand some of the common pitfalls of talent acquisition.

Common hiring challenges of HR Teams

Finding suitable talent

The challenge of landing a suitable candidate is like a minefield. You can be very cautious and methodical in sorting out one out of many, but once onboard, it may not be as expected. Despite rigorous screening and interview rounds, there seems to be no sure-shot way around it.

Engaging with aspirants

Engaging skilled and qualified aspirants is another issue faced by companies. It is vital to keep candidates in the loop of the process, answer their queries, and, in some cases, have filler interactions as well so as not to let them drop off the candidate pipeline. Doing so in a timely and personalized manner is critical but equally challenging.

Reducing hiring time

With regard to recruitment, most HR teams and recruiters are given a stipulated deadline for filling up vacant positions. However, delays only lead to operational losses, revenue losses, and more. Usually, owing to the difficulty of sourcing and shortlisting promising aspirants, hiring takes longer than one would want to allocate.

Enhancing employer brand

A strong and well-known brand naturally attracts high-profile candidates in large numbers. However, because of not prioritizing employer branding or needing more right tools, bandwidth, and expertise to engage with online communities come in as a challenge.

Streamlining hiring process

Efficiency in the recruitment process is something else that recruiters and hiring agencies struggle with. Each vacancy demands its strategy and arrangements for recruiting needs, but it should also align with company resources and culture. Hiccups in assessment, scheduling, and communication can lead to inefficiencies that overlap with bandwidth issues.

Fair Recruitment Procedure

A bias-free recruitment process is even more critical today, considering how companies are emphasizing DEI objectives. There is a need to be transparent and fair in the hiring process, going strictly by merit and available position requirements while eliminating all biases. This is a massive challenge for most recruiting teams because despite having a balanced outlook, everyone comes in with opinions, preferences, and experiences that can be indirect and even unconscious at times but impacts the fairness of the results nonetheless.

Data-based recruitment processes

Maintaining, compiling, and leveraging hiring data is overwhelming from a manual perspective, leading to incorrect insights and predictions of future recruitment drives.

With these hurdles in place, how do you stride while maintaining momentum? How can you bypass the barriers when integrating more innovative recruiting solutions into your hiring process? Let’s now jump to the big takeaways of the fireside chat with HR experts, as promised.

Practical hiring solutions by HR experts

Keep people at the top of the tech stack

Technology can certainly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruiting and hiring process, but only if recruiters use those solutions. To truly take a people-first recruitment approach, including the people who will use the AI hiring tools in the vendor evaluation and selection process.

Consider holding a tech parade where recruiters and HR team members can compare potential vendors. Then, sit an actual recruiter at the table to tell you whether a tech solution will work or add value to the recruitment process. Doing anything else just increases the chances that your next investment will gather dust in your tech stack.

Suggested reading on AI recruitment: Discover how AI is being leveraged for the recruiting industry

Choose technology that’s part of an open ecosystem

In today’s environment, you’re always going to run into vendors promising to solve your problems with new innovative recruiting solutions. Understand, however, that not all systems touting tons of features can innovate as fast as specialized AI hiring tools.

When evaluating platforms or single-point solutions, take a second look at the ones that can exist within open ecosystems. Even platforms with “legacy” functionalities can be viable if they can freely engage with other solutions and parties. Investing in those products lets you layer in the exact tools your HR team needs to streamline the recruiting and hiring process.

Stop searching for the perfect tool

Recruitment is moving at such a rapid pace that you need to consider what’s working and what’s not working with technology — and then solve for that. More importantly, look under the hood of your current tech stack to determine whether your team is using every resource to its fullest capabilities.

The functionality might already be available to your recruiters, and they just don’t know it. Always updating tech in search of the perfect tool can lead to a continual cycle of re-training and confusion, which takes time away from sourcing, nurturing candidate relationships, and interviewing.

Work toward standardization

Organizational silos go well beyond processes, applications, and data. It can easily bleed into talent and job information, challenging recruiters to move the hiring process along and fill certain roles.

Apply people intelligence across your organization and minimize confusion by standardizing terminology. That way, everyone from recruiters to executives talks about skills and job requirements in the same language. It prevents the hiring process from becoming a game of telephone where the original message gets lost somewhere along the line.

Suggested resource on hiring strategy: How to build HR flexibility and resilience post-COVID


In this challenging climate, organizations must use tech to empower recruiters to do the human part of hiring: nurturing talent and growing the business intelligently. We need to inform and empower job seekers, too. Multiple offers for the same candidate are now the norm, so you need to give people a good experience from the first interaction onward. Relationships haven’t changed, but the means for strengthening them have — and that’s where the right recruitment technology solutions come in.

To see how AI recruiting solutions can supercharge your talent acquisition efforts, take a demo today.


What is the main HR challenge?

Some of the biggest challenges for HR include dealing with change management and developing leadership. 48% of companies face issues with change management, while 35% have problems with leadership development. Another noteworthy one is the inaccurate measuring of the effectiveness of HR functions through proper metrics.

What are the challenges of talent acquisition?

One of the major challenges of talent acquisition is dependence on non-specific and overly saturated job listings/boards. Administrative tasks like communication, scheduling, and others take up a lot of time and energy as well.

Using an AI recruitment tool that can take care of manual tasks at speed and scale and can also help with making candidate sorting and selecting decisions.

Which tools are used in HR?

Most popular contemporary stand-alone HR tools include ATS (applicant tracking systems), job boards, and chatbots. With the advent of artificial intelligence in HR, comprehensive AI recruiting tools that can take care of various steps in the end-to-end recruitment drive is also being readily adopted by HR teams. making a splash.

How AI recruitment tools can help meet DEI goals?

With AI recruitment tools, you can set your DEI goals as a filter before you begin sourcing candidates. It then considers not just your candidate’s skill criteria but also the overall diversity of the workplace to select candidates from strategic talent pools for your review.

How to choose a good recruitment software?

Choosing a good software for recruitment means checking for aspects like ATS integration, and the ability to source qualified leads from diverse avenues. Other parameters include Chatbot-enabled communication, automated scheduling and workflow management, and screening abilities.

The final decision, of course, would be based on your precise requirements and budget, but you can check out the recruiting tools on a test-run basis to understand their fit.

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